May 4, 2006 Episodes 2-4 On Friday two days ago, I rewatched episode 2 because my mom hasn't seen that episode. So we continued watching and finished episode 4. I think I watched till like 1 in the morning.
What to think what to think....
Ada: I think she was quite awesome right up to the point were she starts yelling. Its too fast... anyone else thinks that? Anyways something else about when she yells I don't like. Other then that I'm pretty pleased with her character. Nice and Evil... lol
Self Defense: I have to say immediately after Charmaine said about no one is going to trust them if they told the truth I knew trouble's ahead. Because lying always have lots of troubles that follow. Even though what Charmaine said is completely correct, she totally overreacted. She said that they wouldn't believe nothing happened to them. Well I thought of another series Lady Fan starring Jessica Hsuan and Joe Ma, urgg stupid misunderstandings... well it was during the time Joe did not trust Jess and they ordered a "test", couldn't they have done the same here?
"Its Hard to be a Women"- This series should really be called this... this whole series is how hard it is to be a women. Every woman in the series has suffered. - Ada- married an old man, had a child, and now carries on his family for him. -Gigi- Educated, bright, yet she was forced to marry someone she doesn't love -Charm- People in her village makes fun of her because she is bad luck. Like when her brothers dies, canceled marriage, and death of parents. And her speech about how they are "only women" - Maggie- She keeps the secret of her husband even if it means people will think that she is unable to conceive a child. She is mocked at by others yet she remains loyal. She is willing to conceive a child with another man if he wants her too.
Kenny and Maggie- its kinda sweet how far she is willing to go for her husband and her unwavering loyalty to him. In the end he was unable to allow her go "down the path"
Pity Factor- lol the pity factor is on overdrive again. You can pity everyone!
Umm can't think of anything else... if I do think of other things I'll add them on.
feel free to post our comments. Debate mine if you wish.